The PhD comprehensive viva-voce exam of Debdatta Talukdar (N2050014) and Akash Kumar Haldar (N2050003), School of Biological Sciences, RKMVERI will be held on 16 Dec 2022, 4 PM onwards. Both scholars are pursuing their PhD under the guidance of Dr Kunal Sikder, School of Biological Sciences of our University.


Venue: Seminar room of JIVAN, Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan


The title of Debdatta Talukdar’s PhD topic is ‘Exploring dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) of unknown etiology for inflammatory biomarkers and cellular stress pathways.’

The title of Akash Kumar Haldar’s PhD topic is ‘Understanding immunogenetics of autoimmune Graves’ disease (GD) in patients of West Bengal, a cross-sectional study.